Tuesday, March 2, 2021

My Analogy Between Team and Stone Work Project

As Leader in a Direct Sales Company for many years, my thoughts each day normally lead back to my team in one way or another.

Transforming my backyard by working rock around some natural springs has been my passion this past year.  It has been some of the most labor intensive work of my life, but the results keep inspiring me to continue on. This kind of work also allows for time to reflect on my other passion, My Team and where my comparison thinking began.

Each Stone in relationship to a Team Member; Showing its own beauty, its own talents, its own place among others for the perfect fit to both Shine on its own & Support others to create the most amazing end results.

Like the Stones, each Team Member different from all the others while also being the same.   It is important to know the Needs, the Goals and the Talents to be helpful in encouraging each to achieve their very best.

For some there might be an obvious fit, but most of us need to find out what will work best for us.  I encourage trying all the ways.  We will usually start with a path most comfortable towards goals.  Next try new ideas to find what works for us and what does not work for us.  The important thing is to find your best way to achieve goals.  As a Leader I would never claim to have all the answers.  What I have is the desire to both Help and Learn with others.  Inspire and Be Inspired.  So that together we create something amazing!

The relationship between Stone and Team Member for me is about the individuals coming together to form something bigger.
  When the plan is not about self-promotion but simply sharing positive experiences not only do we grow, but we inspire others to try new things so that we can support and grow together.  The strength, the confidence of both individual and team grows.  We guide and encourage each other towards possibilities, never forcing anyone into a place they do not want to be.  This is the place that collaboration doesn't form one star, but allows each individual to shine at their very best. 

There is no need for a boss in  Direct Sales, but growth of all who desire to share and to be Leaders within the team.  As I patiently put together stones, not one is more important than the other.  The goal is that each comes together finding their perfect fit to successfully find their own strengths.  

A team gives each team member a secure place to share their own dreams and form their own goals.  What do they want?  A personal discount?  Sharing with friends and family?  Sales Goals to earn a certain amount of money each month and/or incentives?  Leadership to expand on the entire opportunity by helping others do what they are doing with Encouragement and Friendship.
The Analogy Between Team and Stone Work Project, is to realize the need for every single Team Member whatever their dreams and goals. Each Strength and Each Talent should be Admired and Recognized for all that they have individually and then the breath taking beauty as they also come together in one Amazing Team!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Admiring the word on my wrist that has guided me through my years in Direct Selling started thoughts about the power of Reinforcement Words, Quotes, Pictures and the things that we surround ourselves with can have a powerful impact.


By Definition: accept something as true; feel sure of the truth.  have faith.

When I See  The Word Believe I Think
  • We Can Do This
  • Never Give Up
  • What We Do Matters
  • Good Conquers Evil
  • The more we see something, the more we think about it
  • A quick and simple communication with ourselves
  • Attitude, Accomplishment, Inspiration, Success, Happiness, Habit Changing

My office is filled with visual reminders of Encouragement, Dreams and Goals.  All that keeps me motivated with a positive mindset.  Since starting my Avon Business 16 1/2 years ago, BELIEVE has been my go to word.  I truly Believe in the opportunity that my company offers and that is why I have brought in both of my daughters as business partners.



Along with Special Words and Quotes, I find that having pictures in front of me with both my daughters and the celebrations with my team always inspire me to work harder.  I am reminded of the Love, Loyalty and Dedication these incredible representatives have shown me.  The Beautiful Friendships and the Unconditional Sharing with each other that I have experienced is a true unexpected gift of having this business.


For Me the words have always been BELIEVE and DREAMS and GOALS for the 16 1/2 years that I have worked with one Direct Selling Company!  This is a Journey that has forever changed my life and I am grateful.
  • Where else would I have found the Low Start Up Cost, Personal Discount on Product for myself and our family, Flexible Schedule, Work Anywhere, Free Training, No Risk
  • How could I have earned Additional Income, had Opportunity to Work From Home, Afford Extras, Have Family Time, Helped Others Achieve the same.
  • And then there have been the Treasured Friendships, All Expense Paid Trips, Gifts, Prizes, Awards Earned.